The Math Narrative Project

With the support of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, researchers from Goodwin Simon Strategic Research (GSSR) and Wonder: Strategies for Good (Wonder) investigated how cultural narratives impact how students see themselves, their abilities, and their potential as it relates to learning math.

Click here to visit The Math Narrative Project’s website.

Click here to download the messaging guide.

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Justice Not Politics

Research conducted by Goodwin Simon Strategic Research on behalf of Piper Fund finds that effective messaging, delivered by trusted messengers, can increase support for strengthening the independence of state courts. This messaging can also help to defang the power of opponents’ messaging.

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Heartwired to Love the Ocean

In 2016, with support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Goodwin Simon Strategic Research and Wonder: Strategies for Good embarked on a project to leverage people’s passion and enthusiasm on behalf of ocean protection. The goal: to encourage a wider audience to care about and take action to protect the ocean.

Click here to access an English version of the guide.

Haga clic aquí para acceder a una versión en español de la guía.

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Striving and Thriving

Over the course of 16 months, researchers from Goodwin Simon Strategic Research listened to nearly 4,000 Black and Hispanic youth from households of all income levels, as well as white youth from households with lower incomes. This research surfaced new knowledge about how young people develop occupational identities and how they define, refine and pursue the futures they imagine for themselves.

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Equitable Futures


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We Partner With Clients We Believe In

We work with leaders from advocacy groups, non-profits, foundations, campaigns, and other change-makers who share our idealism and commitment to making a better world. Through our client partnership model, we work together with our clients to build a research-driven and evidence-based road map for creating lasting social change.

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