Building Familiarity with Transgender People
Over the past few years, Goodwin Simon Strategic Research, together with Wild Swan Resources, and partners at Transgender Law Center, Basic Rights Oregon, Movement Advancement Project, Equality Federation, Equality Florida, and Equality Texas—among many others—conducted extensive, first-of-its-kind research in the US focused on building familiarity with transgender people and support for policies affecting their lives. Through that work, we’ve been proud to play a role in the development of groundbreaking digital videos and television ads designed to change the national dialogue about transgender people and issues. One ad, entitled “Restaurant,” features a transgender woman and recently aired on national television during the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention. Another, entitled “Dylan” features a transgender man and is part of a statewide campaign designed to build familiarity with transgender people.
Watch the ads:
Want to see even more? Check out additional videos featured as part of the statewide campaign and website “Transform California.”