
Issue Expertise

LGBT Equality

GSSR has perhaps more experience than any public opinion firm in the nation conducting research on a wide-range of pro-LGBT policies and attitudes about LGBT people, including advancing the freedom to marry, non-discrimination protections, inclusive schools, acceptance in faith communities, LGBT stigma reduction, transgender familiarity and acceptance, and more.


GSSR’s experience includes work on climate change, alternative energy technologies, reducing storm water pollution, encouraging energy and water conservation, recycling, and composting.


GSSR has conducted research on a wide variety of education issues facing school districts today, including funding, school discipline, Common Core standards, vouchers, charter schools, year-round schools, overcrowding, modernization, anti-bullying and inclusive curriculum policies, and bilingual education.


We have deep experience researching attitudes related to abortion, including developing storytelling and conversation campaigns, reducing stigma, talking about religious exemptions, and proactive and defensive ballot measure campaigns. This includes defeating so-called “Partial Birth Abortion” bans in both Maine and in Washington State.